5G technology is all set to take over our world and bring about a new age of the internet.
With speeds that are up to four times faster than what 4G offers, the advantages of 5G seem to be limitless – increased download speeds and faster website traffic are just the tips of this very big iceberg. Here, we take a look at how 5G can improve your life, once widespread adoption takes place.
It Provides Extremely Fast Speed
Speed can be measured in terms of latency, which is the time taken between accessing an event and receiving a response to it. Low latency is the coveted response that makes almost everything from movie downloads to gaming a cinch. A large file, for instance, that may have taken over 25 hours to download if you had 3G technology will take fewer than a few seconds to download with 5G technology.
Autonomous Car Technology
In the United States alone, thousands of people die in vehicle crashes every year. The impact of such incidents is felt by victims’ families and the effects can last for generations to come. Imagine a world where vehicle accident-related deaths become obsolete. With 5G, it sure is a possibility.
Better Gaming Experiences
With billions of dollars in revenue, the gaming industry is huge. From world-class gamers to die-hard wannabes, 5G technology is set to turn the gaming industry on its head. Low latency is just one perk that gamers will enjoy with 5G, and a new world of gaming is on the horizon with many benefits.
Robotic Medical Advancements
One of the most important areas that 5G technology will have an enormous impact on is the field of medicine. When it comes to matters of life and death, even a few seconds will make all the difference. That’s where 5G can help – the new technology will help dissolve borders and allow healthcare providers to reach patients from anywhere on the globe. The potential for medical advancements is limitless, with 5G.
Evolution of IoT
The Internet of Things (IoT) is best described as ordinary objects that have been made “smarter” with technology. Smart trash cans that can track the things you throw so you can automate re-ordering them and smart-locking doors are just a few IoT innovations that have already taken the world by storm. With advancements made in 5G, these sought-after advancements will only get better and faster.