Concerned about the prevention of cancer? The good news is that you can take charge of your health by making certain changes to your lifestyle like eating a healthy diet and getting regular screenings, to lower your risk of developing cancer. Here are a few things you can do.
Avoid Using Tobacco
Using tobacco in any form puts you at risk for developing cancer. In fact, smoking has been linked to a number of different types of cancer including cancer of the throat, mouth, lung, bladder, pancreas, kidney, and more. Even if you do not use tobacco, exposing yourself to secondhand smoke could increase your chances of developing cancer. If you are unable to stop using tobacco, it’s a good idea to ask your doctor for advice regarding products that can help you kick the habit.
Eat Better
Although eating a healthy diet can’t guarantee you won’t develop cancer, it may just help reduce your risk. So, make sure to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, drink alcohol in moderation, and limit your intake of processed meats.
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Maintaining a healthy weight may also help reduce your risk of developing different types of cancer. Physical activity can help you too. In addition to helping you maintain a healthy weight, it may also lower your risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer.
Protect Yourself from The Sun
Did you know that skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer? Fortunately, it is easily preventable. What you can do to lower your risk of developing skin cancer is avoiding the midday sun, staying in the shade when you do go outdoors, covering exposed areas of your body by wearing loose-fitting, tightly woven clothing, using adequate sunscreen, and avoiding sunlamps and tanning beds.
Avoid Risky Behaviors
Another thing you can do is avoiding risky behaviors that could lead to you developing an infection that may increase your chances of developing cancer in the future.
Get On-Time Medical Care
Regular screenings and self-exams for the various kinds of cancers is important since it can help your healthcare provider and you discover cancer early. Discovering cancer when it is still in its early stages increases the chances of you having a successful treatment.